The Yobel Project

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who comes with good news...(Is 52:7)


"ESC Team Visits BCT"

A team commissioned by the Fund Assistance for Private Education (FAPE) and the Department of Education (Dep.Ed.)visited Brokenshire College – Toril last January 9, 2009 to assess and help the college improve its secondary education program. The team was led by Ms. Madrona Taroy, Chairperson and Management Specialist, Ms. Cora Sunga, Academic Specialist and Mr. Feliciano Tamondong, Dep.Ed. representative-Campus Specialist. The team visit is part of the effort of the government to ensure delivery of quality instruction in Educational Service Contracting participating schools.

The experts inspected the library, classrooms, laboratories, and the physical facilities and equipment of the school. They supervised classroom practices and instruction including the materials and technologies used. They also evaluated the professional qualifications and the performances of the personnel.

Brokenshire College - Toril has planned and has prepared for the visit by showcasing the curriculum portfolios, documents, and exhibits, pertaining to its instructional program. The school is also looking forward to continue providing quality instruction with the help of the Educational Voucher System and Educational Service Contracting Program.

Approximately 90% of the High School students in Brokesnhire College – Toril are enjoying subsidies from the government through the Educational Service Contracting Program. [J.Abadilla]

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